Understand Everything 6 Types Medical Simulators and its Specifications

Maveric Solution INC is the best medical simulator provider in India. We are a leading technical Engineering consulting, Product and services company in the field of Engineering and Healthcare.

Now let’s start exploring one by one all simulators and you will know all about its functionalities & specifications.

Our Neonatal Lung Simulator, or LuSi, is the first autonomous, cutting-edge infant lung simulator with live artificial intelligence. to instruct medical professionals in how to evaluate how well the patient is responding to treatment without the operator's involvement. Pathologies like RDS, lung collapse, insufficient muscle activity, pneumothorax, airway obstruction, etc. can all be simulated by it.

LuSiLIFE, a pathology creation and execution program with a touch screen capability, is in charge of choosing and designing pathologies. Execution of pre-assembled cases, loading of patient case libraries, improvisation, note-taking, and full data recording for later analysis.



Change cardiac output

Create true shunt To create persistent pulmonary hypertension

Lung Mechanics

Programmable airway resistance

Programmable total compliance and chest wall compliance

Non-linear Pv curves

Make the lungs recruit able or non-recruit able

An revolutionary full physiologic artificial lung called TestChest makes a significant advancement in the teaching of mechanical ventilation. It is the answer to many questions, including TestChest simulates realistic breathing in health and sickness for the ventilation training and education of doctors, particularly respiratory therapists and specialists in intensive care. The testChest lung simulator is autonomous, in contrast to previous lung simulators. All respiratory support techniques can be used to treat it, and results are automatic.

Unique Simulation Features

Utilizing respiratory rate and programmable driving pressure (p0.1) to represent various breathing patterns.

Important weaning conditions for muscles that is easily simulable

Variable resistance and associated inspiratory compliance can be shown as an S-shaped curve, which is a non-linear function.

Configurable FRC, which enables the simulation of pressure-volume loop hysteresis as well as lung recruitment and collapse.

Gas exchange and hemodynamic reactions are replicated by realistic responses.

The primary purpose goes beyond training and includes checking the efficiency of ventilators, CPAP machines, and other respiratory support equipment in lab settings.

For high-quality simulation training in basic to advanced medical operations, clinical team building, and patient case management, Leonardo is a reliable and simple-to-use adult patient simulator. Learners will be able to fully immerse and challenge themselves as they put their individual and team skills to the test in time-sensitive emergency scenarios thanks to the extensive functionality and the option to use their own medical gear. It is made to help with the most difficult tasks in medical education.


Intubation of upper respiratory tract

Head tilt, jaw thrust, BVM


Orotracheal intubation

ET tube

Vital Signs

Pulse palpation (12 points)

Monitoring blood pressure

Pulse of the radial artery

A 5-8 year old pediatric patient simulator named Arthur was created and built to raise the bar on pediatrics patient care. The most effective pediatrics patient simulator for learning acute pediatric crises is this one.

Communication abilities are just as important when providing care for a young kid as the technical expertise needed to handle pediatrics crises.


Basic physical examination

Pulse palpation

SPO₂ monitoring

Independent pupillary light reflex

Modern newborn infant simulator Mia was created to satisfy the need of specialized training in neonatal care. Mia will facilitate significant learning experiences that are applicable to clinical practice, improving safer patient care and better results, from fundamental evaluation to critical thinking abilities in emergency situations.

Mia's ability to be employed as both a newborn and an infant is one of her advantages.



Spontaneous breathing

Programmable respiratory complications

Programmable respiratory rate

Respiratory rate synced to patient monitor vital signs

Programmable chest rise and fall

Mechanical ventilation (PCV and VCV) PEEP (up to 40 cm H2O)

Variable bronchi resistance

Audible needle decompression with realistic feedback

Learning auscultation locations and sounds is made much easier with the aid of our auscultation simulator. A large collection of sounds with enhanced details will help students learn what to listen for whether listening to heart, bowel, or lung sounds.


All auscultation points light up 

Realistic Skin feel

Rotatable platform for complete examination


Maveric Solution Inc was founded in 2006 with the goal of providing latest technology to its customers and inspiring the next generation. Maveric has been transforming technology in the Medical and Engineering sector for the last 16 years. . From 2021 onwards, our ever growing and diversified solution approach has made us a Global company.

We are an innovative team of Doctors and Engineers who have an in-depth knowledge of 3D, Simulation, Engineering and Medical sciences. We work very closely with the Medical and Engineering Fraternity to conceptualize, develop and integrate state of the art skill training & Competency building simulators which help in improving patient safety View More.


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