Innovative Virtual Reality Training for Vitreo-Retinal Surgery
Infant simulators are educational tools designed to provide a realistic parenting experience to students, typically in high school health or family science classes. These simulators aim to teach the responsibilities and challenges of caring for a newborn by mimicking the behavior and needs of a real infant. By integrating technology and education, infant simulators help students develop empathy, responsibility, and a deeper understanding of childcare. Purpose and Functionality The primary purpose of an infant simulator is to simulate the real-life demands of an infant. These devices are programmed to require care in a manner similar to a newborn, including feeding, burping, changing diapers, and soothing. The simulators cry at random intervals, day and night, to indicate various needs, and the caregiver must respond appropriately to meet these needs. Modern infant simulators are equipped with sensors to record responses, providing feedback on how well the caregiver ...